Thank You to Our First Tee Family of Supporting Courses

Ready to Get Started?
Step 1: Email [email protected]
Contact us at [email protected] and let us know what course you are representing and where you are located.
We have six regional chapters operating in every Canadian province.
Step 2: Set up a phone call
First Tee will reach out to set up a phone call. The purpose of this call will be to outline how we can best assist your course, discuss your third party SaaS (software as a service) in use, and provide you with a smooth onboarding.
Step 3. Provide us with your logo
Your logo will be proudly displayed alongside our other supporting courses.
Step 4. Start giving back!
Once we have helped you integrate this initiative, you can begin collecting a $1 donation on green fees to directly support First Tee in your province.
How do you add the donation to the round?
Each paid round of golf (public or guest of a member) counts as $1 credited to the First Tee revenue account. Rounds are reconciled at the end of the month and a lump sum is allocated towards the account from green fee revenue.
What about when golfers pay online? How is HST accounted for?
When a golfer pays for their round online in advance, the HST is collected on the full amount including the donation.
Can my course receive a tax receipt for participating?
Yes, you will be eligible for a tax receipt at the end of the year.
Where will the money we raise go?
Funds raised will directly support First Tee in your province. This donation will help us implement programming at golf courses, schools, and community centres at no cost to the facilities. It also allows us to conduct coach and volunteer training, on-course fun day field trips, and provide financial assistance for participants. Together, we are making golf more accessible and providing empowering opportunities through the sport we love.
How do we offer First Tee programming at our course?
Please visit your provincial chapter page listed below and a member of the program staff will respond to your inquiry.
For More Information
For more information, or to better understand club involvement, please contact Sean Reczulski – Director, Development.